AV7  is  free!   . . .   not  "All Rights Reserved" restricted.

God has freely given  life  to each and every one of us.
And, He has also given many incredible blessings to each and every one of us, including the beauty of His creation, the blessings of our miraculous human bodies -- which intricate workings are beyond human comprehension and can not be duplicated by human effort.

Of course, there are some who argue that God did not create the world or give us life  ...  but instead they speculate that everything that we see in this incomprehensible universe came into existence by random chance and evolved to its present state without intelligent design or creator.

You choose which scenario makes more logical sense.

God also freely gave to mankind an instruction manual that explains how we ought to live our lives in order to enjoy the blessings of an abundant life now and eternal life hereafter.

According to God's grand design, He declared the principle that His Word (as revealed in the Bible) is to be freely given. (cf. Matthew 10:8b)  . . .  not  . . .   "All Rights Reserved" copy restricted.

However, some commercial interests have presumptuously taken it upon themselves to claim that their paraphrases and unique versions of the Bible are  their own  privately owned intellectual property, and thus on the copyright page of their versions they claim  "All Rights Reserved."

In sharp contrast to that, The AV7 Bible copyright states: "Only commercial rights are reserved.   All others may freely copy."     You decide which approach is correct and trustworthy.

Copyright © 1973-2011 The New Authorized Version Foundation       Click to view copyright details.